Week 1-2: Introduction to PHP
Week 1
1. Introduction to Web Development and PHP
2. Setting Up PHP Development Environment (XAMPP, WAMP, etc.)
3. Writing and Running Your First PHP Script
4. PHP Syntax and Basic Output with `echo`
Week 2
1. Variables and Data Types in PHP
2. Operators: Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical
3. Working with Strings: Concatenation, Manipulation, Escape Sequences
4. Comments and Basic Debugging Techniques
Week 3-4:Control Structures and Functions
Week 3
1. Decision Making: if, else, elseif Statements
2. Switch Statements
3. Loops: for, while, do-while
4. Break and Continue Statements
Week 4
1. Introduction to Functions: Declaration, Parameters, Return Values
2. Variable Scope: Local, Global, and Static
3. Built-in Functions and User-Defined Functions
4. Anonymous Functions (Closures) and Callbacks
Week 5-6: PHP Arrays and Forms
Week 5
1. Introduction to Arrays: Indexed, Associative, Multidimensional
2. Array Manipulation: Adding, Removing, Sorting
3. Looping Through Arrays: foreach, for
4. Introduction to Superglobal Arrays: `$_GET`, `$_POST`, `$_REQUEST`
Week 6
1. HTML Forms and Handling Form Data with PHP
2. Form Validation and Sanitization Techniques
3. Uploading Files with HTML Forms and PHP
4. Handling User Input: GET and POST Methods
Week 7-8: Working with Databases and MySQL
Week 7
1. Introduction to Databases: Relational vs. NoSQL
2. Introduction to MySQL and PHPMyAdmin
3. Creating and Connecting to a MySQL Database
Week 8
1. Retrieving Data with PHP and MySQL
2. Preventing SQL Injection: Prepared Statements
3. Updating and Deleting Data in MySQL using PHP
4. Managing Database Connections and Error Handling
Week 9-10: Advanced PHP Topics and Final Project
Week 9
1. Session Management and Cookies in PHP
2. Working with JSON Data
3. PHP Error Handling: try, catch, throw
4. Introduction to Object-Oriented PHP
Week 10
1. Introduction to PHP Frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Symfony)
2. Working with APIs: Consuming and Creating APIs
3. Final Project: Building a Dynamic Web Application
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