Week 1-2: Introduction to .NET and C#
Week 1
1. Introduction to .NET Framework and C#
2. Setting Up .NET Development Environment (Visual Studio)
3. Writing and Running Your First C# Program
4. C# Syntax and Basic Console I/O
Week 2
1. Variables and Data Types in C#
2. Operators: Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical
3. Conditional Statements: if, else, switch
4. Looping Constructs: for, while, do-while
Week 3-4: Object-Oriented Programming in C#
Week 3
1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
2. Classes and Objects: Creating, Attributes, Methods
3. Constructors and Overloading
4. Encapsulation and Access Modifiers
Week 4
1. Inheritance: Extending and Overriding Classes
2. Polymorphism and Interfaces
3. Exception Handling: try, catch, throw
4. Working with Arrays and Collections
Week 5-6: Advanced C# Topics
Week 5
1. Working with Strings and StringBuilder
2. File I/O: Reading and Writing to Files
3. Introduction to Multithreading
4. Synchronization and Thread Safety
Week 6
1. Introduction to Windows Forms for Desktop Applications
2. Event Handling and User Interfaces
3. Introduction to ASP.NET Web Forms for Web Development
4. Developing a Simple Windows Application
Week 7-8: .NET Web Development (ASP.NET MVC)
Week 7
1. Introduction to ASP.NET MVC Framework
2. MVC Architecture: Model, View, Controller
3. Creating Controllers and Actions
4. Understanding Routing and URL Patterns
Week 8
1. Creating Views: Razor Syntax and HTML Helpers
2. Using Model Binding for Data Interaction
3. Working with Layouts and Sections
4. Developing a Simple ASP.NET MVC Application
Week 9-Final Project and Advanced Topics
1. Introduction to Entity Framework (ORM)
2. Introduction to .NET Core (Brief Overview)
3. .NET Best Practices: Coding Guidelines and Design Patterns
4. Final Project: Building a .NET Application
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